What is Integrated Comprehensive Care (ICC)?


2 minute read

Integrated Comprehensive Care, or ICC, is a post-hospital discharge program supporting patients and families during hospital transitions to recovery in the home. The ICC program creates individualized care plans that provide patients and caregivers with relevant care services to support recovery. This comprehensive support ensures patients receive the care they need, when they need it, and reduces the risk of hospital readmission.

The ICC Program works with patients within the following general streams:

  • Chronic disease
  • Surgery
  • Peritoneal dialysis

What is home care?

Home care allows individuals living with health conditions to receive care in the comfort of their own home. Home care programs can help people recover from short-term (acute) conditions, manage long-term (chronic) conditions, and receive specialized services such as end-of-life care. Home care can be offered through multiple care agencies who provide nursing, personal care, and other care services and supports.

How is integrated comprehensive care (ICC) different from home care?

  • Home care provides care for patients at home. ICC provides care for patients throughout their care journey from hospital to home.
  • Home care uses a variety of care providers from different care agencies. ICC uses one team of care providers to monitor and support patient care throughout transitions from hospital to home.

ICC Program Components

One Care Team

  • ICC provides patients with one care team. The care team meets the patient before the hospital procedure, cares for them while in hospital, and manages their recovery at home. Patients can access their integrated care team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a dedicated call line. All ICC care providers are responsible for providing real-time updates to other team members. This ensures that the care team communicates frequently with up-to-date patient information.

One Number to Call 24/7

  • 1-877-611-0669 is a dedicated call line available 24/7 to support patients and families with health questions or concerns. Patients can get answers, informed advice, and expert care when and where they need it. Please Note: The call line is only available for active ICC patients.

One Electronic Patient Record

  • The ICC program uses one central electronic health record to track patient care from hospital to home. This ensures all members of the care team have access to the same patient health information.

Virtual Care

  • Innovative and easy-to-use technology solutions allow patients and families to stay connected with their care team and receive virtual care in the comfort of their home.

My ICC Team


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