There may be times when care expectations are unmet. Learn about common home care challenges that might be encountered and tools and strategies for dealing with them.
What is the problem or challenge?
ICC patients have one care team made up of multiple care providers. All care providers within a care team share one electronic patient record, up-to-date patient information, and have consistent training. Even though care providers belong to the same care team, ICC cannot guarantee the same care providers for each care visit. New or changing care providers can create challenges for building good rapport and communication.
How does this impact caregivers?
Caregivers may need to describe the needs of the person being cared for to new care providers.This can be time consuming, and take away from time spent completing errands or taking time for self-care.
Why does this problem exist?
ICC may be unable to assign consistent care staff due to availability, or scheduling.
What can I do about this problem?
Try the tools below to help with meeting new care providers: